Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fire Sale in Real Estate

Well, it might be good new for Toll Brothers, but it ain't good for the rest of us. Reuters reports today that luxury home builder Toll Brothers have increased volume by slashing their prices.

The Commerce Dept. saw better than expected home sales, but it's being accomplished by slashing prices across the county.

Do you think this is good news or bad news? I've read a couple of different articles about this today, and the media can't figure out the twist on it.

For me, I've got my home equity out and in cash. So I don't care if my home prices falls, because my value from the peak of the market is in an account earning more than the cost of mortgaging it out.

I just feel sorry for those that have waited. It's not just the equity they've lost since the market declined. It's also the growth from the interest they could have made for as many years as it take for the market to come back.

Pity. Home sales "up". Good news or bad?

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